Frequently Asked Questions
Browse our library of frequently asked questions to get the answers you need about our products, policies, and membership perks. If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us for additional support during our operating hours and yes, we will answer the phone with a live representative. Please email us at [email protected] or call us at 313-561-6800.
What are the products Dr Tai spoke about in his Beyond the Cancer interview?
How do I place an order?
How quickly can I receive my order?
Are these the only products I will need?
How do I arrange a Free Tele-Health consultation with Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai?
What is the process to sign up for AINHO?
What does AINHO stand for?
Schedule a Consultation with Dr Tai or Schedule Directly on his calendar using this link:
What are the benefits of being a AINHO member?
Is AINHO Membership only for Doctors and Professionals?
Is my AINHO Membership really a lifetime membership?
Where are the products manufactured?
Will instructions on how to use the products come with my order?
What are my shipping options?
What is the best way to contact Customer Support?
Where can I buy Dr. Tai's Best Selling Books? Are they available digitally?
What is required to be accepted as a AINHO Member professional?
How long does it take to get approved for AINHO Membership?
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