Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai's Blog
Katherine Lee - President of Health Secrets USA empowers us with her humbleness, energy, and wisdom. A trailblazer at age 70, Katherine has transformed her life through the products from Dr. Paul Ling Tai. Hear her story and visit HealthSecretsUSA.comĀ to learn more about the amazing plant based prod...
Listen to Dr. Tai's most recent interview with Dr. Steven Zodkoy on the Thin Factors Weight Loss Program on Instagram LIVE.
StartĀ losing the craving, melt the fat and cleanse the body with washing minerals from Dr. Tai's Thin Factors Weight Loss Program. Dr. Tai's patented products are only availab...
Weight Loss is a booming industry that has us dropping big dollars but hardly any fat!! How many commercials do you see in the middle of the night under your heavy eyelids that talk about how they burn fat, reshape your abdomen, walk your dog and take out the trash? Have you ever tried the products?...