Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai's Blog

Sleep Healthier with Dr. Tai's 10 Tips for Better Sleep d3k2 insomnia melatonin sleep Jul 06, 2023

Sleep Better, Live Better: Embrace the Power of Sleep (Instagram Live Recording)

At 76, Dr. Tai is full of energy and shares his 10 tips for healthier sleep. 


Sleep is a fundamental pillar of our well-being, and the quality of our sleep directly impacts our physical...

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Melatonin is Not Just for Sleep antiaging melatonin sleep Jul 18, 2022

Sleep should be simple, yet it’s become one of the most difficult things to do, especially as a person ages. This is because of diminishing melatonin levels.

How is it that we work so hard and yet have so much difficulty sleeping? It's time to snap out of it and talk about how you CAN lie down and ...

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