Prof. Dr. Paul Ling Tai's Blog

Regenerating Your Thymus to Support Your Immunity immunity thymus Nov 09, 2023

Dr. Tai's shares his health pearls on this week's Instagram Live with the topic of Immunity and Regenerating Your Thymus.

What is a Thymus and why it is important?

Our bodies need an immune system to fight off infections throughout our lives. The thymus plays an important role in the immune...

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How much D3K2 Should You Take immunity long covid vitamin d3k2 May 12, 2023

Dr. Tai Shares His Most Complete Research on Covid and Vitamin D3K2

On Dr. Tai's latest instagram live episode on March 11, 2023, he shares his passion to help those wake up from the Covid scare. So many misleading news reports and health mandates that people are just so confused as to what...

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The Prevention of Shingles aging chicken pox immunity shingles virus Mar 31, 2023

Dr. Paul Ling Tai offers helpful tips on the prevention of Shingles and research of medical journals to provide answers on how to avoid this very painful condition that affects most people after the age of 50.

Watch Dr. Tai's instagram episode every Thursday when he is not traveling on Instagram...

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